Free word search maker from Tools for Educators lets you make a word search puzzle with text hints or image hints.
If you don't see the options you are looking for, it might be helpful to return to the main page (word search maker) and select the category that you'd like. You may have entered this page off an old link or bookmark.
If you use text hints, they will be entered below the puzzle just as you typed them. If you want uppercase then you'll need to type them in uppercase.
If you are using image hints, you must still enter the puzzle text. The images for the word search maker are not set to any specific text, so you must enter the text that you'd like to use. I made it that way so the user has more flexibility. You can enter anything you'd like for the text, for example 'eat', 'eating', 'ate' if you wanted to practice different verb forms. This also solves the problem of American English vs. British English. If you'd like 'trousers' instead of 'pants' you can do that. It also means teachers of some other foreign languages can also use the word search generator for their classes as well.
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